my personality test   test to know my personality



Why is it important for you to have your IQ and personality tested?

Your IQ and your personality directly determine how successful you will be in all areas of life. This includes relationships, your career, business endeavors, marriage, raising children, becoming prosperous, and your personal well-being.

Additionally, you will be the happiest when you are pursuing an important goal and successfully attaining it.

When should you have your IQ and personality tested?

You should get tested as soon as possible if you are…

     • Depressed or frequently stressed out.

     • Unmotivated and lack personal drive.

     • Suffering from unwanted feelings - fear, anger or grief.

     • Ill far too often.

     • Low in self-confidence and self-esteem.

     • Often associating with people who worsen your life.

     • Unable to easily learn or are failing in your studies.

     • When conversing, failing to get your ideas across or being misunderstood.

If you find yourself in one or more of these situations, would you like to better understand why?

You should get tested if you want more success…

     • Leading a team or a business

     • Achieving an important personal goal.

     • Growing your business.

     • Creating a lasting and loving marriage.

     • Raising children to be happy and successful in life.

     • Pursuing your career.

     • Making the income to support the quality of life you want.

If any of the above are preventing you from having the life you want, would you like to change that?

What is the best personality test to take?

The best personality test is one which assesses the personality traits that have been scientifically proven to be vital to your success in life.  Personality tests which stereotype people using a set system of personality types have not proven to be very useful. They operate on the false assumption that naming or labeling something makes it better understood.  Furthermore, tests which merely categorize you as such and such a personality type are based on the erroneous premise that you are stuck with that personality type and really can't change it.  So, if your personality type is not very conducive to being successful, you will just have to learn to live with that.

personality graph predicts success

A good personality test will identify and assess the personality traits vital to your success and will open the door to remedying any weakness in those traits. In turn, this will make it possible for you to become more successful and happier.

There are ten personality traits vital in determining your success in life.

   • COMPOSURE - Calmness of mind and manner, self-possession

   • CERTAINTY - Being positive about whether something is true or not.

   • HAPPINESS -  Feeling great pleasure and contentment

   • STABILITY - Firmness of character and purpose

   • ACTIVITY - Energetic action and liveliness

   • APPRECIATION - Seeing the true value or worth of someone or something

   • COMMUNICATION LEVEL - Able to exchange ideas with others, understand others and be understood by others

   • RESPONSIBILITY - Being dependable, reliable and trustworthy in meeting one's obligations and keeping one's word

   • CORRECT ESTIMATION - Good judgment in determining the amount of effort and resources required to accomplish something

   • AGGRESSIVENESS - Bold and energetic pursuit of one's purpose

Wouldn't you agree that if you strongly held these traits, you would be more successful?.

The Oxford Capacity Analysis (OCA) is designed to help you bring about success in your life!

This highly accurate and reliable test is the best personality test for those wanting to pursue a more successful and happier life. 

One of our expert consultants will provide a free, professional, one-on-one consultation to give you a detailed evaluation of your personality traits as well as their interrelationship in order to provide the fullest picture of your personality.  Professional evaluations of this type can cost upwards of $500, but when given in conjunction with our OCA, they are complimentary. 

This evaluation is completely obligation-free, and you will be given a recommended path to improve any of the ten vital personality traits that are weak and how to make the best use of those traits that are strong.  This recommendation will include which Scientology service and/or book can best help you do this.  As an added benefit, many who have followed the recommended path not only have strengthened their personality, but found their IQ was improved as well. The Oxford Capacity Analysis is totally unique in the field of personality testing in its ability to help you understand how your personality traits are affecting your success or lack of success in life.  In conjunction with the complimentary evaluation, the OCA will enable you to use your full potential to have the life that you want.




I found a lot of answers that I’ve always been looking for and some I didn’t realize I was looking for that showed up.  It almost seemed too simple, like ‘is it really that easy?  It really is!’ — David



With what I learned I have been able to succeed in my field, at my job, and I have to say that it has really helped me to achieve my dreams, and achieve them in the best way possible.” — Daniella



I was very insecure, and wondered why I was not succeeding in life.  Now I have a lot of certainty.  I can deal with people better and can help them better.  Now I know me!” — Cynthia



I’m very much an outdoors, rough and tumble kind of guy.  Now my interaction with people is tremendously better.  My wife and I get along amazingly.  Day-to-day life is a joy.  There’s nothing that we don’t seem to be able to handle now.” — Shawn